eBPF DevSecTools

eBPF logo.

eBPF DevSecTools is a collection of tools and frameworks to help developers and operators maintain the lifecycle of their eBPF programs, providing correctness and safety guarantees that enables confident adoption and deployment of 3rd party eBPF programs. eBPFDevSecTools’ ensemble of tools comprises:

  • OPENED: A flexible framework that developers can use to extract and extend on functionality from 3rd party programs. [Github]
  • eBPF-Registry: A descriptive catalog of open source eBPF projects providing useful meta-data to help understand the functionality, requirements and properties of these projects. [Github]
  • Registry-Search: A user-friendly user interface for querying the eBPF Registry. [Coming Soon]
  • Client-SDK: An interface for inspecting and programming arbitrary map data structures. [Github]

We are actively working to broaden the landscape of use-cases supported eBPFDevSecTools and to grow our community of developers and supporters. We are also surveying the use of eBPF in the wild, please help us by taking our survey! All questions are optional and respondents of all backgrounds are welcome!

Contact Us!

Visit our Github!

Take our eBPF Survey!


[June 2023] Sayandeep and Palani gave a talk about our tools at the Kubernetes Community Days Bangalore. Check out the video of the talk and this amazing drawing by SillyStrokes!

[June 2023] We are collecting data on how people are using eBPF. Please help us by answering our survey!

[May 2023] Theo gave a talk at Bloomberg about the need for tools that simplify eBPF deployment.

[November 2022] Source code for OPENED is now live on Github.

[September 2022] We gave a talk at the Linux Plumbers Conference about OPENED. The presentation can be found here and a tool demo is also available.

Source Code

Our tools are hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/eBPFDevSecTools


A growing list of our contributors can be found on github